I’m sure by now everyone has about had it with the pretty white stuff falling from the sky. But its almost finished. In a couple more weeks it will all be a bad memory. Now is the time to start new and happy memories. This is the perfect time of the year to start planning for your new landscaping needs whether they are large or small. It is the ideal time to install your new shrubbery. And if its flowers you’re looking for to brighten your day up try a splash of winter pansies. They are bright and colorful and will last you till June.
But its also important not to forget your lawn. It too had a stressful winter. The roads have been constantly salted which causes damage to your lawns. It is time to treat them for this so the damage does not show during your summer barbecues. An upgrade of an application of Gypsum for the leeching of these salts is highly recommended to your normal program. Also make sure to start your spring treatments on your property.
Please keep checking for future helpful postings throughout the season!!